You can create shipping policies directly in your eBay seller account.

Most fields can also be overwritten through Excel. You can overwrite any field in an eBay Listing Template as you list items through the user interface. The shipping sections of the eBay Listing Template allow you to select which shipping options you make available to your buyers, Flat Rate or Calculated for example. Field Descriptions for the Package Information Section (For Calculated Shipping or Global Shipping).Field Descriptions for the International Shipping Options Section.Field Descriptions for the Domestic Shipping Options Section.If you want to learn what an eBay Listing Template is, or how to create one, please see Creating an eBay Listing Template. We recommend saving your eBay Listing Template frequently as you populate it.

The other sections of the eBay Listing Template are covered in the following articles: eBay Listing Template Settings: Basic Listing Information Section and eBay Listing Template Settings: Payments, Sales Tax, Returns, Buyer Restrictions, and Additional Features. This article describes the fields in the Domestic Shipping Options, International Shipping Options, and Package Information (For Calculated Shipping or International Global Shipping Only) sections of the eBay Listing Template.