We are your factory direct connection to purchase a Birkin re-production of the Lotus 7 sports car.

Explore DL's board "Locost 7" on Pinterest. We built our Locost over a two year span from 2011 to 2013, using a 1972 MGB for many of the parts that we couldn't make in our garage with simple hand tools, like for example the engine and transmission. It was too twisted and distorted to use without a lot of work, hence the re-design. With the Lotus 7, or the copy, locost, the idea is the lighter the better.

Now has noses for the McSorley 442e plan. G'day The engine I have in my Minor would be perfect for your project, injected 6 port 13B rotary, Mazda claimed 160hp at 7000 for them. Home built car - a Locost super 7 build Here I will cover the build process in which I try to turn a pile of steel and an old junker into a locost super seven based on the lotus super 7 cars.I bought a 1976 Ford Maverick on Craigslist, and pulled out the engine, C4 automatic, and 2.net: Nosecone plans, among other things: Gibbons Sport 7: Nice orange example: Glen's Locost Car: Inboard dampers and ground Hi all, I've recently joined the forum and am planning on starting a locost 7 build from scratch using a mazda mx5 as donor. New Starter kit, displayed with nose for McSorley 442e plans. The diff I have gone with is a common IRS 7.With the help of my brother Chris at Performance Fabrication, and parts sourced from Performance I'm starting to build myself a Lotus Super Seven replica but am starting from scratch not buying a kit from any supplier, I already got hold of Ron Chapman's book for the Locost S7 but find the design too fragile for fiting a Toyota 2 liter twin cam engine.Then you ignore most of what it says about the suspension and design I started by purchasing a ready built chassis on Fleabay.

Easy to drive with smooth progressive power off the line but with plenty of go to 7000+. Plans to build a 11 scale replica of the 60 mm Mortar.